Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yeah, not even Livejournal. Take that! You are all surprised, I'm sure, given my prolific posting.

Well, chickadees, it seems that Corvallis Ultimate might not be of the caliber of Seattle Ultimate. That remains to be seen, but still, it was a shock to be one of the better players on the team. I mean, I got broken twice (slap on wrist), turfed two or three short upfield flicks, and was a bit of a butterfingers tonight. That being said, I could hear the other team deciding who would mark me, saying "she's good." What a boost to the ego! Intimidation factor! Yesss! On the next point I let loose a forehand huck that my teammate had, erm, difficulty receiving, I was so exhuberant.

But not to let hubris get ahead of me (since I'm DEFINITELY still huffing and puffing from that ankle)--I focused on trying to make every disc mine, and on being very heads-up. There was a lot of swill for the taking, especially since the wind picked up as the game wore on, and it was great practice not only for throwing and receiving in the wind, but for being a field-aware player. It was a fun exercise since the kinks in the teams' fundamentals will take a few weeks to iron out and it is useless to set a stack and yell at everyone.

Most importantly, I must mention that my team captain is a beautiful geologist. I love this fucking coast. I think he's dating someone, though. Damn. But he's really fun and chill and I'm sure he will dump her when I tell him about Oregon coastal upwelling and continue to bust ass on my in-cuts. It's only a matter of time. (Reality: BOO no prospects thus far except for a cute student in my building! EFFFF!)

In other news, the beer here is fantastic. What a mecca. And even if there are no boys in the picture, there are zillions of attractive granola men with beards and roadbikes everywhere. Better scenery than the mountains, even.

I love you all, strive on loves, strive on!!!


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