Monday, June 29, 2009

Attn. New Social Chairs

I know we haven't announced social chairs yet, but I KNOW what we're doing after SB 10.


In other news, DC is great! It's hot, but great!

I've been playing as much ultimate as possible here. Unfortunately, that's not a lot because I have a 40hr work week and evening classes from 7-9:30 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Matty Barr has been a great ultimate buddy! In summer league, I discovered that all I have to do to get the disc when he picks up is run deep! Hooray! We're playing corporate and weekend league together. It's really unfortunate that my classes have stopped me from playing advanced league. Oh well.

I'm also playing for this women's team called Pi. The captain is ridiculous. Think about someone who works out as much as Liz, but looks way scarier (and incredibly INCREDIBLY muscular). She has us do really intense workouts. Man oh man. Unfortunately, I can only go to practice 2x/wk because I miss those darned weekday practices.

Oh, and I found a mixed team to play with when I get back to Minnesota. They're not that good (read: they're pretty terrible), but I would rather play with a bad team than no team at all. I'm also on the sub list for summer league there. Charks is playing rec league, and I think she's subbing for advanced. I don't believe she's written about it yet.

Speaking of Charks, I had this great email exchange around my first week in DC. It goes something like this:

MN Summer League Captain to Flip: I got your email from the waiting list. I need a sub for my team. Would be be available and interested in playing?
Flip to Summer League Captain (CC Charks): I would love to play for you, but I'm in DC. However, I have CC'd a girl on my college team who can probably do it. Her name is Charks.
Summer League Captain to Flip (CC Charks): Thanks for getting back to me, Flip. Charks, are you up for playing tomorrow?
Flip to Charks: hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Charks to Flip: i hate you.

Needless to say, I'm having fun messing with Ramona while I hang out in DC.

I gotta get back to work. This took a lot less time than I was expecting. More blog things to follow!

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