Thursday, July 23, 2009

New plays

And why am I the only one writing on's so awkward, I keep checking and only seeing myself.

1. golden eye: in vert, person in back cuts force, 2nd to back cuts break, person third to back cuts S cut deep. it's like that drill we did w/ godiva
2. funky monkey: in ho, when disc is in the middle, middle two cutters clear deep and person on the forced side cuts towards the middle for a FAST forced throw or an inside-out-ish break. hopefully this then leads to someone who was in the middle coming back in from their out "cut" and getting the disc...waterfall-style-esque. person on break side waits to see if it's swung and moves around like they're doing something.
3. sloppy joe: variation on funky monkey. when disc is trapped:
x: handler w/ disc, v's other handles
1,2,3,4: cutters

x v v

1 2 3 4

cutters 1 and 2 clear deep, cutter 3 cuts across field for forced side cut if person cannot dump it. our team uses this as a last resort since we find it better to dump it and center it instead of jamming it up the forced sideline.


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